Rep. Eric Swalwell: The only person caught lying about Russia is the president

Rep. Eric Swalwell: The only person caught lying about Russia is the president

Rep. Eric Swalwell: The only person caught lying about Russia is the president

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 05:04 AM PDT

This morning we showed you the ridiculous interview with Rep. Swalwell, who claims the phony dossier is 'factual' and still believes Trump is a Russian agent. I'm confident that if there were...

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Rachel Maddow : " I can say it continuing robustly"

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:53 AM PDT

Darren Samuelsohn, senior reporter at Politico, talks with Rachel Maddow about the revelation in court that the Mueller grand jury is still active, at least in the case of one company that had been...

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Chicago Police Officer says their COMPLETE file on the Jussie Smollett MAGA hoax!

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:38 AM PDT

Former Chicago Police Officer Says Smollett Has Been Consistent About One Thing: 'Lying' In the words of Phillip Kerpen, this is the "world's fastest FOIA response". CWB Chicago submitted a FOIA...

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“a near system-wide meltdown” – Kirstjen Nielsen sounds the alarms over border crisis!

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:25 AM PDT

Kirstjen Nielsen on threats to the homeland, election security and the emergency on the southern border Every day we continue to get bad news about the border, which is being overrun by Central...

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Toobin and Cooper grill Smollett's attorney; ‘The View’ is ripping into Jussie Smollett getting off scot free

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 03:00 AM PDT

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin and Anderson Cooper question Jussie Smollett's attorney Tina Glandian. The case against Jussie Smollett is so strong that even the harpies on The View are criticizing...

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Ocasio-Cortez rips McConnell for Green New Deal vote: 'He doesn't want to save our planet'

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 02:41 AM PDT

Speaking to Vox reporter Ella Nilsen, Ocasio-Cortez accused McConnell of rushing a vote and not wanting to take action against climate change "because he thinks we can drink oil in 30 years when all...

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Trump vows to release FISA docs in 'Hannity' exclusive; Rand Paul is telling Trump to DE-CLASSIFY documents to FLUSH OUT the deep state!

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 02:25 AM PDT

Donald Trump told anchor Sean Hannity that his lawyers previously had advised him not to take that dramatic step out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice. "I do, I have...

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BREAKING!! Chicago police release files in 'Empire' star Jussie Smollett case

Posted: 28 Mar 2019 02:04 AM PDT

Chicago prosecutors on defense after dropping all charges against Jussie Smollett. The FBI is apparently looking into why Chicago dropped the charges against Jussie Smollett, but it's not an official...

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